Monday, June 1, 2020

Only 5 More Slots Available in the 4th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest

Only 5 More Slots Available in the 4th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest 20 If $2000+ in prizes and a lot of exposure interests you, send your entry in by this Sunday, September 12th 2010. I hope you've been enjoying the contest so far. There have been many terrific, insightful submissions. I've learned a lot and imagine that you have too. We're not done just yet though… As of September 6th, there are still 5 (of 25) slots open for participants to join in, and every single contestant will win not one, but at least two prizes. However, I don't want the contest to continue forever, so whether 5 more people come forward soon or not, there's now a final submission deadline of end-of-day Sunday, September 12th 2010, Pacific Time which is also 9am on Monday, Israel time, or you can check your own local time here (will open in a new window).eval Remember: you don't need to be a writer or a blogger! You do need to have a job search story to tell â€" good, sad or funny â€" or advice to share, ideas to try… For full details of all the prizes and how to enter, check the official contest announcement here.eval Thanks again to our great sponsors for helping this become the biggest JobMob contest yet: Thank you to our Gold Sponsor: Jason Alba and JibberJobber “So what is JibberJobber? Is it a job search tool? Is it a networking tool? It is more like a personal relationship manager that allows you to do everything you need to do to manage a job search and optimize your network relationships â€" for the duration of your career!” Thank you to our Silver Sponsor: JobSpice “JobSpice is an intuitive online tool that makes creating and publishing a well-designed, custom resume easy and fun. In the last six months, JobSpice has been featured on NBC, PC World, and Fast Company, and has gained tens of thousands of “Word converts” from across the globe.” Thank you to our 1st Bronze Sponsor: Brazen Careerist “Brazen Careerist is a social network for Generation Y professionals. You come here to build a network of your peers, find jobs, and be recognized for your ideas.” Thank you to our 2nd Bronze Sponsor: Dan Schawbel “Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding LLC, is a world renowned personal branding expert. He is the international bestselling author of Me 2.0, and the publisher of the Personal Branding Blog.” Good luck!

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