Thursday, July 9, 2020
Ace Manual Testing Interview Questions for Freshers Experienced
Ace Manual Testing Interview Questions for Freshers Experienced Ace Manual Testing Interview Questions for Freshers Experienced8 min read Read ing Time: 6 min utesWhy Choose Manual Testing as a profession? When ev er any appli ca tion is devel oped by a pro gram mer, it is not direct ly hand ed over to the user. It goes through numer ous pro ce dures before the user can use it. One of the main pro ce dures is test ing. Many peo ple think that test ing is an easy job where as, in real i ty, it is just the oppo site. It takes a lot of effort to test a thou sand lines of code writ ten by the devel op erâs team. And after test ing the appli ca tion at every lev el, it comes in the hands of the user.So in this blog, we will try and cov er all the ques tions that any tester may encounter when he/she sits for a man u al test ing inter view. But before div ing into the man u al test ing inter view ques tions,we must have some knowl edge about test ing so that crack ing the inter view becomes eas i er. Relat ed Post: Fre quent ly Asked C Inter view Ques tions by the Recruiters Relat ed Post: Top Data Struc ture Inter view Ques tions Answers | Get Start ed Basics to master before preparing for Manual Testing Interview Questions: Software Testing And Its Types Before prepar ing for man u al test ing inter view ques tions, it is impor tant to have a strong base. So for that, letâs first learn about what is soft ware test ing and what are its types. Software Testing: Accord ing to uni ver sal stan dards, test ing is a process that is used to check the accu ra cy and effi cien cy of the code using dif fer ent test ing meth ods. Soft ware Test ing is basi cal ly of 2 types: Man u al Test ing Auto mat ic Test ing Manual Testing: Man u al test ing, as the name sug gests, it is a type of test ing where all the test cas es are test ed man u al ly by the test ing team or a tester. In man u al test ing, no automa tion tools are used. This is the most prim i tive type of test ing and is use ful to make any appli ca tion bug-free. It can take a lot of time but the results are quite sat is fac to ry. A brief knowl edge about man u al test ing can increase the chance of clear ing the man u al test ing inter view ques tions for fresh ers if youâre just start ing out as a begin ner in this field. Tip: All the appli ca tions devel oped by the devel op ers must be first man u al ly test ed before any auto mat ed tool is used. Automation Testing: Automa tion Test ing is gain ing immense pop u lar i ty nowa days. Well, the rea son is quite obvi ous. It does nât require a lot of time and is more easy to imple ment than man u al test ing. Automa tion Test ing is a process of test ing a soft ware appli ca tion using automa tion tools (for exam ple Sele ni um) to find out the glitch es. How ev er, we will not focus on automa tion test ing much because here we will pre pare for man u al test ing inter view ques tions for fresh ers. So does it mean, thereâs noth ing for the expe ri ence to learn here? Well, this blog also cov ers man u al test ing inter view ques tions for expe ri enced. So, all the techies fas ten your belt and get ready to learn cru cial man u al test ing inter view ques tions. Why prepare for Manual Testing Interview Questions? Now the ques tion aris es what is the key con cept behind man u al test ing? Man u al test ing aims at ensur ing that the appli ca tion is bug-free and it is work ing accord ing to the userâs require ment. Man u al test ing ensures that if an error occurs while test ing, the report is there and then send to the devel op erâs team to make the changes. Types Of Manual Testing- Necessity for Manual Testing Interview Questions: Any techie who is going through man u al test ing inter view ques tions for fresh ersmust know about the types of test ings that are there in man u al test ing. For expe ri enced can di dates, they should also aim at brush ing their knowl edge before going through man u al test ing inter view ques tions for expe ri enced. So when they work at the live project they wonât have to google triv ial things. Plus this would save their time too. So, letâs get straight into the man u al test ing inter view ques tions for fresh erswith out any fur ther ado. Also, find the go-to blog for fresh ers who are look ing for career options in Engi neer ing Career. Manual Testing Interview Questions For Freshers 1. What is the need for Software testing while developing any application? Answer: Man u al test ing is one of the most impor tant steps while devel op ing any soft ware. Few rea sons for the same are: Man u al test ing ensures that the soft ware will work accord ing to the expec ta tions of the end-user. It helps in reduc ing the cod ing cycles by pin point ing the issues that might come at the pri ma ry stage of the devel op ment of any soft ware. This ensures prop er uti liza tion of resources in the pri ma ry stage of the Soft ware Devel op ment Lifecycle(SDLC) and hence it helps in pre vent ing soft ware glitch es. This helps in bring ing out the over looked use cas es and helps in mak ing the soft ware more user-friend ly. It helps to ensure that when the soft ware comes in the hands of the user, it has no bugs left in it. 2. When is the right time to start the testing process? Answer: In the water fall mod el, test ing is always done in the last. But with the evo lu tion of SDLC Mod els, test ing is now car ried out after every step. There fore, there is no right time to start test ing and nowa days it is incor po rat ed after every step so to avoid errors and meet the userâs require ment. 3. What is the meaning of Quality Assurance in terms of Software testing? Answer: It is a process-ori ent ed approach that helps in ver i fy ing that the SDLC method used is cor rect and ensures that it is fol low ing the stan dard pro ce dure. It may also bring some changes in the process too and hence it helps in the replace ment of the weak prac tices if there are any. 4. What is the meaning of Quality Control in terms of Software testing? Answer: It is a prod uct-ori ent ed approach and keeps a check if the prod uct is meet ing all the spec i fi ca tions giv en by the user. These spec i fi ca tions are a result of all the sur veys and require ments which are giv en by the users. Like qual i ty assur ance, this also results in cer tain changes in the prod uct. It com pris es of 2 types of test ing and these are Func tion al test ing and Non- func tion al test ing. 5. What do you mean by test coverage in manual testing? Answer: In man u al test ing, test cov er age is basi cal ly a qual i ty met ric to cal cu late how many tests have been per formed on a prod uct so far. It fits in both func tion al as well as non-func tion al test ing. Hence by using test cov er age, testers can add the miss ing test cas es and avoid errors. 6. What are the different types of testing? Answer: There are basi cal ly 6 types of test ing: White Box Test ing Sys tem Test ing Unit Test ing White Box test ing Inte gra tion Test ing Accep tance Test ing 7. What does unit testing and integration testing mean in Manual testing? Answer: Unit test ing, as the name sug gests, it is the test ing of indi vid ual mod ule or com po nents. A lot of devel op ers pre fer to do unit test ing so to avoid errors that might seep into the code. But when it comes to inte gra tion test ing, the testers do that to check if two or more units are work ing togeth er prop er ly or not. These are some impor tant ques tions you should remem ber while you sit down to pre pare for your Man u al test ing inter view ques tions for the fresh er lev el. Manual testing interview questions for experienced While you sit down to pre pare for your Man u al test ing inter view ques tions for the expe ri enced lev el, you must remem ber that with big posi tions comes big respon si bil i ties. Hence, prepar ing for Man u al test ing inter view ques tions for the expe ri ence might include some typ i cal codes and log ics too which should be remem bered before sit ting in an inter view. 1. Write the process for the creation of a Test Script. Answer: Step 1: You should first under stand what is AUT By read ing the require ment doc u ments thor ough ly, you can get a fair idea about AUT. We can also try to under stand this by refer ring to a pre vi ous ver sion of the appli ca tion or wire-frames or screen shots. Step 2: After ana lyz ing the require ments, the tester can make a list of the areas in the appli ca tion that has to be test ed first. Hence, with this analy sis, we can iden ti fy the test require ments for the whole appli ca tion Step 3: After the analy sis is done, we focus on how to test them. And it requires you to write full-fledged steps about how to test a par tic u lar fea ture. After fol low ing all the 3 steps, we are ready to test the appli ca tion. 2. What is White Box Testing in Manual Testing? Answer: White Box has dif fer ent names such as Clear Box, Glass Box, or Struc tur al Test ing. It helps the tester to know about how the code is writ ten, it also helps in find ing any error that might have gone unno ticed by the coder. 3. What is Black Box Testing in terms of Manual Testing? Answer: This man u al test ing helps the tester can check the func tion al i ty of the code, that is if the code is work ing prop er ly in accor dance with the require ment of the user. 4. In manual testing, what does a bug report consists of? Answer: An ID that is unique to that report must be added. It should con tain a Defect Descrip tion to describe what the error is. Steps to Repro duce should be added in the report, that pro vides the minute details about the issue : Module/section of the appli ca tion (if applic a ble) The sever i ty of the error should be added. Screen shot Respon si ble QA Wrapping up Manual Testing Interview Questions: These are some of the impor tant ques tions that any one who is sit ting for the Man u al test ing inter view ques tions for the expe ri enced lev elshould know. Obvi ous ly, just the Man u al test ing inter view ques tions wonât help you grab a job, besides this, your atti tude towards test ing is also an impor tant decid ing fac tor. The last set of ques tions arenât just for the expe ri enced testers, it can be referred by the peo ple look ing to kick start their pro fes sion with test ing. manual testing interview questionsmanual testing interview questions for experiencedmanual testing interview questions for fresherstop manual testing interview questions answers
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